Philip passed on in April 2021 at 99 years of age.

Her Greatness passed on at Balmoral Royal residence in Scotland. Her coffin made an excursion first to Edinburgh, Scotland, and a short time later to London, England. There was a motorcade from Buckingham Regal home to Westminster Passageway last Wednesday before the coffin began its lying-in-state for a couple of days, allowing people from individuals overall to offer their appreciation.

On Monday, the power State Entombment administration of the sovereign happened at Westminster Cloister. It was followed by a motorcade from Westminster to Wellington Bend in London.

Starting there, the sovereign’s coffin traveled through the State Memorial service cart in a procession to St. George’s Place of petitioning God in adjoining Windsor, England, through the Long Walk. A Committal Organization happened in St George’s Safe-haven before the last resting place plunged into the magnificent vault under the congregation.

The two last resting spots of Elizabeth and Philip were then taken to Master George VI’s Recognition Safe-haven following a classified capability.

— & (@thewales_news) September 18, 2022

The Great Family site has been revived with the confirmation that Sovereign Elizabeth II has been covered this evening following a private help in Windsor: “The Sovereign was covered alongside The Duke of Edinburgh, at The Ruler George VI Recognition Place of petition.”

Despite Sovereign Philip, the sovereign is enclosed by different family members in Master George VI’s Recognition Church, including her father, Ruler George VI, who passed on in 1952, and Sovereign Elizabeth, the Sovereign Mother, who kicked the container in 2002, as well as her sister, Princess Margaret, who moreover passed on in 2002.

Elizabeth and Philips coffins will be placed on those of her pulled out family members.