PlayStation fans have long requested the ability to change their names like their Xbox rivals. Xbox users can change their Gamertags once, no charge, within the first 30 days of creating an account. If at any time they would like to change their Gamertag after that first time, it costs $10.

Yoshida assures that their engineers are trying to see what they can do - but Shawn Layden, Sony Computer Entertainment America president and CEO, stated to IGN that it has not happened to stop the threat of abuse:

A recent survey (invite-only) asked players to rate their most wanted features in the next big PS4 update. Some of the features listed included wishlists, avatars, folders, PSN ID, etc.

What do you think Sony could do so that they can allow its users to change their ID’s without trolls abusing the system? Would you pay to change your PSN name? Voice your opinion in the comments below.

PSN name changes may be impossible - 64