A senior head of the decision DMK on states of namelessness while addressing IANS said, “DMK has now changed into a haven for party containers who are given plum positions while sloggers for the party are completely neglected. This won’t go down well for the DMK and its administration over the long haul.”


The pioneer expressed that something like 11 new region secretaries of the party had AIADMK foundations and numerous from different gatherings who had spent several years in the DMK were compensated with plum positions.

One more head of the party let IANS know that the rundown delivered on Thursday by the party initiative was not a chosen rundown and that it was a ‘chosen’ list. He said that even after designation papers were recorded by applicants, the party’s state office-conveyors, who were directing the decisions, reported the names of the area office-carriers even as the selections were not removed.

A large portion of the rage was coordinated against Thalapathy Murugesan, who was a previous functionary of Vijayakanth’s party DMDK and who has now turned into the Coimbatore South Region secretary of the party. Party insiders let IANS know that he joined the DMK just quite a while back and arrived at the plum post due to his association with the state initiative.

Feathers have additionally been unsettled after the party didn’t adhere to the ‘one man, one post’ rule and numerous units feel that the state initiative hosted undermined the get-together races.