Many players were cautious about the Kickstarter campaign to begin with, due to its unusually high main funding goal and a severe lack of actual gameplay footage. The last notable update to the crowdfunding campaign was a lackluster concept gameplay video (below), which may have made players even more weary of the game or made backers regret their previous contributions.

The game’s developers released a final update earlier today, which reads: 

While it was obviously unlikely for the game to reach its goal without concrete details and footage, it’s still somewhat surprising that it was not even able to reach even half of the funds it needed. Hopefully this failure will help the developers reevaluate the game itself and create more attainable goals with higher-quality detail in the future.

We sadly are not in the position to be able to fund further production for a future crowd-funding relaunch involving a title deeper in development, and wouldn’t want to scale back our vision. As a result, work on Project Rap Rabbit cannot continue at this time."

Did you expect Project Rap Rabbit’s KickStarter campaign to fail? What other game related funding campaigns seem too ambitious to you? Let us know in the comments!