As indicated by news report, the disputable socialite created a ruckus online with his sensational access to Wear Energetic’s occasion.

Lovely Mike made sense of why he made his female escorts wear penis-pants by saying that the world is evolving.

Individuals ought not be inclined toward due to what’s between their legs, as indicated by the socialite.

All things being equal, they ought to be given equivalent open doors since we are skilled in various fields.

“The world is changing, and as I would like to think, you ought not be inclined toward due to what’s between your legs; everybody ought to be offered equivalent chance, since we are skilled in various fields, paying little mind to orientation,” he composed. The socialite has acquired reputation for his dubious doorways at occasions.

Beautiful Mike has offered peculiar expressions going from re-designing phony diocesans to depicting Jesus Christ’s passing and going to occasions with ritualists.

The socialite raged the occasion with ladies wearing penis-pants, which was obvious.

Beautiful Mike expressed on his Instagram pages that he was outside doing what he knows best and putting grins and disarray on individuals’ appearances.

“I’m around here doing what I excel at, placing blesses individuals’ appearances and making disarray to them, accept what you need.” Yet we just let Mummy go in great style.”

— Pulse Nigeria (@PulseNigeria247) October 8, 2022