As Rick And Morty Season 3 nears, we’ve almost reached a staggering 200 different Mortys to find, win, or evolve! The full master list of Mortys can be found below. Wondering what to do with all those adorable pit fighters? Be sure to catch our other guides for mastering the game:

Pocket Mortys tips and strategies  Full crafting recipe guide Using Investment Rick Guide to winning the Morty Games Complete combat / trainer survival guide How to unlock new Ricks

Complete Pocket Mortys List Of Mortys

Ready to catch all 198 Mortys currently available in the game? Every single type and stat is included below. At this point keep in mind that Mortys 179 - 198 can only be acquired in the multiplayer beta, so full stats are not yet available. If you’ve got those, let us know what skills they have! 

1. Morty

Type: Untyped Dimension Found: Mortopia (Starting Morty) Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Cry, Flail, Belch, Swing Rush, Mortify, Fierce Lunge, Stare Down, Unleash


2. Scruffy Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Slam, Fixer Upper, Flail, Examine, Drop Out, Bunt, Gross Out, Crush


 3. Unkempt Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Scruffy Morty Skills: Slam, Fixer Upper, Flail, Examine, Drop Out, Bunt, Gross Out, Crush, Humiliate


4. Hobo Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From:  2 x Unkempt Morty Skills: Slam, Fixer Upper, Flail, Examine, Drop Out, Bunt, Gross Out Crush, Humiliate, Nickel & Dime


5. Old Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Cheek Pinch, Drool, Hug, Moisten, Gooey Discharge, Blood Pressure, Death Stare, Gross Out


6. Geriatric Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Old Morty Skills: Cheek Pinch, Drool, Hug, Moisten, Gooey Discharge, Blood Pressure, Death Stare, Gross Out, Bunt


7. Ancient Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From:  2 x Geriatric Morty Skills: Cheek Pinch, Drool, Hug, Moisten, Gooey Discharge, Blood Pressure, Death Stare, Gross Out, Bunt, Boil Squeeze


8. Rabbit Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Nibble, Sneer, Provoke, Dig, Puffy Tail, Rush, Snub, Scratching Post


9. Evil Rabbit Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Rabbit Morty Skills: Nibble, Sneer, Provoke, Dig, Puffy Tail, Rush, Snub, Scratching Post, Mind Meld, Hypnotize


10. No Eye Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Cry, Erase, Blind Swing, Lick, Death Stare, Blink, Mutate


11. One Eye Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x No Eye Morty Skills: Outburst, Cry, Erase, Blind Swing, Lick, Death Stare, Blink, Mutate, Stare Down


12. Three Eye Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x One Eye Morty Skills: Outburst, Cry, Erase, Blind Swing, Lick, Death Stare, Blink, Mutate, Stare Down, Piercing Stare


13. Test X1 Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Outbrust, Examine, Plasma Burst, Cell Splitter, Moisten, Gooey Discharge, Gross Out, Mutate


14. Test X46 Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Test X1 Morty Skills: Outbrust, Examine, Plasma Burst, Cell Splitter, Moisten, Gooey Discharge, Gross Out, Mutate, Wrangle


15. Test X72 Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From:  Skills: Outbrust, Examine, Plasma Burst, Cell Splitter, Moisten, Gooey Discharge, Gross Out, Mutate, Wrangle, Purple Squirt


16. Self Defense Morty 

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Provoke, Lift, Wear Down, Spar, Retain Strength, Swing, Stare Down, Crush


 17. Karate Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Self Defense Morty Skills: Provoke, Lift, Wear Down, Spar, Retain Strength, Swing, Stare Down, Crush, Pout


18. No Mercy Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Karate Morty Skills: Provoke, Lift, Wear Down, Spar, Retain Strength, Swing, Stare Down, Crush, Pout, Leg Sweep


19. Mustache Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Comb, Sneer, Crimp, Provoke, Snippet, Defend, Shave, Pout


20. Beard Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Mustache Morty Skills: Comb, Sneer, Crimp, Provoke, Snippet, Defend, Shave, Pout, Bunt


21. Hipster Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Beard Morty Skills: Comb, Sneer, Crimp, Provoke, Snippet, Defend, Shave, Pout, Bunt, Effete Charm


22. Ad Space Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Branch, Preach, Flail, Provoke, Swing, Stare Down, Monetize, Entertain


23. Jerry’s Game Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Ad Space Morty Skills: Branch, Preach, Flail, Provoke, Swing, Stare Down, Monetize, Entertain, Selfie


24. Pocket Mortys Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Jerry’s Game Morty Skills: Branch, Preach, Flail, Provoke, Swing, Stare Down, Monetize, Entertain, Selfie, Self-Promote


25. Blue Shirt Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Cry, Blue Spray, Belch, Swing, Rush, Mortify, Fierce Lunge, Stare Down, Unleash


26. Red Shirt Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Blue Shirt Morty Skills: Outburst, Cry, Red Mist, Belch, Swing, Rush, Mortify, Fierce Lunge, Stare Down, Unleash


27. Orange Shirt Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Red Shirt Morty Skills: Outburst, Cry, Flail, Orange Shower, Belch, Swing, Rush, Mortify, Fierce Lunge, Stare Down, Unleash


28. Green Shirt Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Orange Shirt Morty Skills: Outburst, Cry, Flail, Green Blur, Belch, Swing, Rush, Mortify, Fierce Lunge, Stare Down, Unleash


29. Purple Shirt Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Green Shirt Morty Skills: Outburst, Cry, Flail, Purple Squirt, Belch, Swing, Rush, Mortify, Fierce Lunge, Stare Down, Unleash


30. Rainbow Shirt Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Purple Shirt Morty Skills: Outburst, Cry, Flail, Rain Bow, Belch, Swing, Rush, Mortify, Fierce Lunge, Stare Down, Unleash


31. Exo-Alpha Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Neutralize, Cry, Probe, Star Gaze, Snippet, Protect, Beam, Invasion


32. Exo-Omega Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Exo-Alpha Morty Skills: Neutralize, Cry, Probe, Star Gaze, Snippet, Protect, Beam, Invasion, Stare Down


33. Exo-Prime Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Exo-Omega Morty Skills: Neutralize, Cry, Probe, Star Gaze, Snippet, Protect, Beam, Invasion, Stare Down, Mind Meld


34. Spoon Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Lick, Poke, Belch, Swing, Mortify, Blink, Serving Up


35. Fork Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Spoon Morty Skills: Outburst, Lick, Poke, Belch, Swing, Mortify, Blink, Serving Up, Wrangle


36. Spork Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Fork Morty Skills: Outburst, Lick, Poke, Belch, Swing, Mortify, Blink, Serving Up, Wrangle, Dinner Time


37. Peace Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Cry, Hug, Relax, Dig, Flower Child, Love Bug, Green Blur, Defend


38. Hippie Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Peace Morty Skills: Cry, Hug, Relax, Dig, Flower Child, Love Bug, Green Blur, Defend, Fierce Lunge


39. Off The Grid Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Hippie Morty Skills: Cry, Hug, Relax, Dig, Flower Child, Love Bug, Green Blur, Defend, Fierce Lunge, Root Down


40. Big Head Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortopia  Combine From: None Skills: Drool, Slam, Lick, Stone Gaze, Blink, Swing, Bunt, Defend


41. Giant Head Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Big Head Morty Skills: Drool, Slam, Lick, Stone Gaze, Blink, Swing, Bunt, Defend, Crush


42. Colossal Head Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Giant Head Morty Skills: Drool, Slam, Lick, Stone Gaze, Blink, Swing, Bunt, Defend, Crush, Rolling Stone


43. Spooky Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Haunt, Outburst, Cry, Plasma Burst, Negative Energy, Erase, Gross Out, Ouija


44. Ghostly Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Spooky Morty Skills: Haunt, Outburst, Cry, Plasma Burst, Negative Energy, Erase, Gross Out, Ouija, Piercing Stare


45. Phantom Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Ghostly Morty Skills: Haunt, Outburst, Cry, Plasma Burst, Negative Energy, Erase, Gross Out, Ouija, Piercing Stare, Exo Fragment


46. Double Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Crimp, Examine, Swing, Protect, Mind Rage, Gross Out, Mutate, Wrangle


47. Triple Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Double Morty Skills: Crimp, Examine, Swing, Protect, Mind Rage, Gross Out, Mutate, Wrangle, Mind Meld


48. Multi Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Triple Morty Skills: Crimp, Examine, Swing, Protect, Mind Rage, Gross Out, Mutate, Wrangle, Mind Meld, Mangle


49. Greaser Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Slam, Belch, Flail, Harden, Stone Gaze, Snub, Serving Up, Retain Strength


50. Biker Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Greaser Morty Skills: Slam, Belch, Flail, Harden, Stone Gaze, Snub, Serving Up, Retain Strength, Fierce Lunge, Rolling Stone


51. Stray Cat Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Puffy Tail, Fur Ball, Lick, Snippet, Outburst, Scratching Post, Snub, Claws Out


52. Two Cat Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortyland  Combine From: 2 x Stray Cat Morty Skills: Puffy Tail, Fur Ball, Lick, Snippet, Outburst, Scratching Post, Snub, Claws Out, Sparkle


53. Crazy Cat Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Two Cat Morty Skills: Puffy Tail, Fur Ball, Lick, Snippet, Outburst, Scratching Post, Snub, Claws Out, Sparkle, Dinner Time


54. Buff Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Slam, Provoke, Spar, Harden, Swing, Crush, Humiliate, Stare Down


55. Wrestler Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Buff Morty Skills: Slam, Provoke, Spar, Harden, Swing, Crush, Humiliate, Stare Down, Suplex


56. Veiny Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Harden, Outburst, Gross Out, Melt, Haunt, Gooey Discharge, Transplant, Blood Pressure


57. No Skin Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Veiny Morty Skills: Harden, Outburst, Gross Out, Melt, Haunt, Gooey Discharge, Transplant, Blood Pressure, Mutate


58. Skeleton Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x No Skin Morty Skills: Harden, Outburst, Gross Out, Melt, Haunt, Gooey Discharge, Transplant, Blood Pressure, Mutate, Bone Extract


59. Magic Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Flail, Mind Read, Negative Energy, Guillotine, Sparkle, Ouija, Mortify, Nickel & Dime


60. Mystic Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Magic Morty Skills: Flail, Mind Read, Negative Energy, Guillotine, Sparkle, Ouija, Mortify, Nickel & Dime, Hypnotize


61. Wizard Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Mystic Morty Skills: Flail, Mind Read, Negative Energy, Guillotine, Sparkle, Ouija, Mortify, Nickel & Dime, Hypnotize, Fireball


62. Telepathic Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Lift, Plasma Burst, Star Gaze, Mind Rage, Haunt, Beam, Invasion, Hypnotize


63. Telekinetic Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found:  GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Telephathic Morty Skills: Lift, Plasma Burst, Star Gaze, Mind Rage, Haunt, Beam, Invasion, Hypnotize, Mind Meld


64. Psychokinetic Morty

Type: Scissors  Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Telekenetic Morty Skills: Lift, Plasma Burst, Star Gaze, Mind Rage, Haunt, Beam, Invasion, Hypnotize, Blood Pressure


65. Swimmer Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Drop Out, Relax, Bunt, Drool, Moisten, Crush, Splash, Rush


66. Mermaid Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Swimmer Morty Skills: Drop Out, Relax, Bunt, Drool, Moisten, Crush, Splash, Rush, Sing


67. Reverse Mermaid Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Mermaid Morty Skills: Drop Out, Relax, Bunt, Drool, Moisten, Crush, Splash, Rush, Sing, Hydro Blast


68. Business Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Brand, Cry, Suit & Boot, Stare Down, Rush, Self Promote, Monetize, Blood Pressure, Stock Crash


69. Gaseous Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Solidify, Belch, Neutralize, Negative Energy, Ouija, Sparkle, Shrinking Gas, Gross Out, Vape Fume


70. Sausage Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Nibble, Lick, Crimp, Probe, Protect, Gross Out, Mutate, Wrangle, Dinner Time


71. Shadow Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Melt, Distract, Haunt, Ouija, Mind Rage, Retain Strength, Shadow Puppet, Hypnotize, Effete Charm


72. Aqua Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Cry, Bunt, Belch, Scrunch, Mortify, Fang Rage, Wrangle, Descale 


73. Cyclops Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Neutralize, Distract, Flail, Belch, Swing, Mortify, Invasion, Mind Read, Mind Meld


74. Mini Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Cry, Flail, Belch, Swing, Mortify, Shrinking Gas, Retain Strength, Ant Bite


75. Cowboy Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Criticize, Flail, Belch, Swing, Mortify, Lasso, Wrangle, Quick Draw


76. Robot Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Melt, Wear Down, Flail, Belch, Swing, Mortify, Defragment, Compute, Reboot


77. Hammerhead Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Slam, Cry, Bunt, Belch, Swing, Mortify, Nail, Defend, Claw


78. Guard Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Distract, Flail, Belch, Swing, Mortify, Invasion, Defend, Legislate


79. Cronenberg Morty

Type: Untyped Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Cry, Flail, Belch, Swing, Mortify, Mutate, Gross Out, Mangle


80. Mascot Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Cry, Flail, Belch, Scrunch, Mortify, Selfie, Entertain, Sign Autograph


81. Egg Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Acquired from “New Chef in the Rickchen” quest Combine From: None  Skills: Harden


82. The One True Morty 

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Citadel of Ricks (leveling Egg Morty) Combine From: Leveling Egg Morty to level 20 Skills: Harden, Ascend, Sparkle, Pray, Golden Touch


83. V Neck Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Comb, Provoke, Machine Wash, Wear Down, Shave, Pout, Stitch, Wedge


84. Tank Top Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x V Neck Morty Skills: Comb, Provoke, Machine Wash, Wear Down, Shave, Pout, Stitch, Wedge, Aura, 100% Cotton


85. Mullet Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Condition, Moisten, Comb, Curl, Mortify, Blow Dry, Criticize, Transplant


86. Chops Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Mullet Morty Skills: Condition, Moisten, Comb, Curl, Mortify, Blow Dry, Criticize, Transplant, Humiliate


87. Afro Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Chops Morty Skills: Condition, Moisten, Comb, Curl, Mortify, Blow Dry, Criticize, Transplant, Humiliate, Delouse


88. Tired Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Slumber, Dribble, Dead Stare, Salivate, Drowse, Crush, Hibernate, Nod Off


89. Sleepy Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Tired Morty Skills: Slumber, Dribble, Dead Stare, Salivate, Drowse, Crush, Hibernate, Nod Off, Doze


90. Asleep Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Sleepy Morty Skills: Slumber, Dribble, Dead Stare, Salivate, Drowse, Crush, Hibernate, Nod Off, Doze, Snooze


91. Hot Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Lift, Absorb, Burn, Torch, Snub, Red Mist, Engulf, Fire Ball


92. Flaming Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Hot Morty Skills: Lift, Absorb, Burn, Torch, Snub, Red Mist, Engulf, Fire Ball, Aura, Super Nova


93. Cold Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Lift, Absorb, Icy Touch, Vaporize, Harden, Shatter, Thaw, Brain Freeze


94. Frozen Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Cold Morty Skills: Lift, Absorb, Icy Touch, Vaporize, Harden, Shatter, Thaw, Brain Freeze, Aura, Let It Go


95. Flu Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Sneeze, Examine, Cough, Medicate, Vomit, Gross Out, Jab, Blood Pressure


96. Mutant Fly Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Flu Morty Skills: Sneeze, Examine, Cough, Medicate, Vomit, Gross Out, Jab, Blood Pressure, Vaccinate, Immunization


97. Diamond Eyes Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Cut, Distract, Encrust, Harden, Clarity, Cutting Gaze, Sparkle, Flutter


98. Cocoon Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Diamond Eyes Morty Skills: Cut, Distract, Encrust, Harden, Clarity, Cutting Gaze, Sparkle, Flutter, Hibernate


99. Butterfly Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Cocoon Morty Skills: Cut, Distract, Encrust, Harden, Clarity, Cutting Gaze, Sparkle, Flutter, Hibernate, Wing Blast


100. Punk Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Sneer, Kick, Protect, Flair, Criticize, Crew Cut, Mortify, Punked, Straight Edge


101. Big Tongue Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Lick, Soggy Kiss, Salivate, Caress, Smooch, Wrangle, Suck, Mouth Off, Slobber


102. Pizza Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Nibble, Dribble, Melt, Encrust, Salivate, Slice & Dice, Defend, Thaw


103. Mushroom Pizza Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Pizza Morty Skills: Nibble, Dribble, Melt, Encrust, Salivate, Slice & Dice, Defend, Thaw, Mouth Off


104. Pepperoni Pizza Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Mushroom Pizza Morty Skills: Nibble, Dribble, Melt, Encrust, Salivate, Slice & Dice, Defend, Thaw, Mouth Off, Gooey Cheese


105. Unicorn Chaser Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Encrust, Glitter Blast, Kick, Flair, Love Bug, Caress, Spear, Sparkle


106. Unicorn Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Unicorn Chaser Morty Skills: Encrust, Glitter Blast, Kick, Flair, Love Bug, Caress, Spear, Sparkle, Crush


107. Super Unicorn Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Unicorn Morty Skills: Encrust, Glitter Blast, Kick, Flair, Love Bug, Caress, Spear, Sparkle, Crush, Straight Edge


108. Moon Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Examine, Slam, G-Force, Vaporize, Implode, Star Gaze, Engulf


109. Sun Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Moon Morty Skills: Outburst, Examine, Slam, G-Force, Vaporize, Implode, Star Gaze, Engulf, Sparkle


110. Black Hole Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Sun Morty Skills: Outburst, Examine, Slam, G-Force, Vaporize, Implode, Star Gaze, Engulf, Sparkle, Dark Void


111. Morticia

Type: Untyped Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Cry, Flail, Belch, Swing, Rush, Mortify, Fierce Lunge, Stare Down, Unleash


112. Single Snoozle Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Nibble, Drool, Cough, Snot Blast, Snub, Gooey Discharge, Static Shock, Engulf


113. Double Snoozle Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Single Snoozle Morty Skills: Nibble, Drool, Cough, Snot Blast, Snub, Gooey Discharge, Static Shock, Engulf, Wrangle


114. Triple Snoozle Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Double Snoozle Morty Skills: Nibble, Drool, Cough, Snot Blast, Snub, Gooey Discharge, Static Shock, Engulf, Wrangle, Suck


115. Super Morty Fan Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Cheek Pinch, Salivate, Soggy Kiss, Caress, Fan Art, Selfie, Self Promote, Love Yourself


116. Super Rick Fan Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From:  Skills: Cheek Pinch, Salivate, Soggy Kiss, Caress, Star Gaze, Fan Art, Beam, Defend, Ricky Ticki Tavi


117. Blob Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Cell Splitter, Moisten, Negative Energy, Soggy Kiss, Vaporize, Gross Out, Vile Spew, Aura


118. Jelly Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Blob Morty Skills: Cell Splitter, Moisten, Negative Energy, Soggy Kiss, Vaporize, Gross Out, Vile Spew, Aura, Poison Spit


 119. Goo Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Jelly Morty Skills: Cell Splitter, Moisten, Negative Energy, Soggy Kiss, Vaporize, Gross Out, Vile Spew, Aura, Poison Spit, Slobber


120. Infected Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Probe, Haunt, Energy Drain, Drool, Mortify, Mind Rage, Mind Read, Blood Suck


121. Parasitic Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Infected Morty Skills: Probe, Haunt, Energy Drain, Drool, Mortify, Mind Rage, Mind Read, Blood Suck, Wrangle


122. Host Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Parasitic Morty Skills: Probe, Haunt, Energy Drain, Drool, Mortify, Mind Rage, Mind Read, Blood Suck, Wrangle, Mind Meld


123. Strawberry Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Bunch Up, Sprout, Flail, Salivate, Swing, Harden, Red Mist


124. Orange Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Strawberry Morty Skills: Outburst, Bunch Up, Sprout, Flail, Salivate, Swing, Harden, Orange Shower, Dinner Time


125. Banana Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Orange Morty Skills: Outburst, Bunch Up, Sprout, Flail, Salivate, Swing, Harden, Lasso, Dinner Time, Root down


126. Stoned Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Encrust, Examine, Provoke, Stone Firsts, Harden, Jab, Protect, Crush


127. Petrified Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Stoned Morty Skills: Encrust, Examine, Provoke, Stone Firsts, Harden, Jab, Protect, Crush, Retain Strength


128. Boulder Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Petrified Morty Skills: Encrust, Examine, Provoke, Stone Firsts, Harden, Jab, Protect, Crush, Retain Strength, Tombstone


129. Reptile Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Condition, Sneer, Dig, Fossilize, Salivate, Scratching Post, Gross Out, Scratch & Sniff


130. Raptor Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Reptile Morty Skills: Condition, Sneer, Dig, Fossilize, Salivate, Scratching Post, Gross Out, Scratch & Sniff, Prey


131. Mortysaurus

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Raptor Morty Skills: Condition, Sneer, Dig, Fossilize, Salivate, Scratching Post, Gross Out, Scratch & Sniff, Prey, Bone Extract


132. Dog Bite Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Condition, Sneer, Nibble, Wet Tongue, Puffy Tail, Drowse, Snub, Claws Out


133. Dog Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Dog Bite Morty Skills: Condition, Sneer, Nibble, Wet Tongue, Puffy Tail, Drowse, Snub, Claws Out, Defend


134. Werewolf Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Dog Morty Skills: Condition, Sneer, Nibble, Wet Tongue, Puffy Tail, Drowse, Snub, Claws Out, Defend, Regenerate


135. Boot Camp Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Provoke, Suit & Boot, Attention, Blitz, Harden, Crew Cut, Blood Pressure


136. Shell Shocked Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Boot Campy Morty Skills: Outburst, Provoke, Suit & Boot, Attention, Blitz, Harden, Crew Cut, Blood Pressure, Rush


137. Renegade Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Shell Shocked Morty Skills: Outburst, Provoke, Suit & Boot, Attention, Blitz, Harden, Crew Cut, Blood Pressure, Rush, Fierce Lunge


138. Headism Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Reward from winning Morty Games tournament Combine From: None Skills: Lift, Hug, Preach, Reminisce, Certitude, Star Gaze, Ascend, Denial, Recitation


139. Turbulent Juice Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Reward from winning Morty Games tournament Combine From: None Skills: Lift, Relax, Curl, Salivate, Crush, Exfoliate, Pout, Selfie, Juice


140. Jerry Fan Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Reward from winning Morty Games tournament Combine From: None Skills: Hug, Condition, Chastise, Flair, Fortify, Shatter, Engulf, Defend, Sign Autograph


141. Exo Skeleton Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Reward from winning Morty Games tournament Combine From: None Skills: Fur Ball, Drool, Slam, Strengthen, Vaporize, Wrangle, Swing, Grab, Claw


142. Sexy Devil Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Reward from winning Morty Games tournament Combine From: None Skills: Nibble, Sneer, Curl, Snub, Clarity, Engulf, 666, Blood Pressure, Inferno


143. Summer Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Dead Stare, Repress, Mope, Haunt, Flower Child, Erase, Negative Energy, Mood Kill


144. Jerry Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Summer Morty Skills: Dead Stare, Repress, Mope, Haunt, Denial, Outpour, Mood Kill, Grieve


145. Beth Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Jerry Morty Skills: Dead Stare, Repress, Mope, Haunt, Reminisce, Denial, Outpour, Mood Kill, Soul Search


146. Rick Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Beth Morty Skills: Dead Stare, Repress, Mope, Haunt, Reminisce, Harden, Belch, Mood Kill, Grieve, Soul Search


147. Cabin Boy Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortyland, GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Leg Sweep, Dead Stare, Sing, Probe, Gross Out, Cutting Gaze, Heave Down, Hornswaggle


148. Swashbuckle Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortyland, GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Cabin Boy Morty Skills: Leg Sweep, Dead Stare, Sing, Probe, Gross Out, Cutting Gaze, Heave Down, Hornswaggle, Scuttle


149. Cap’n Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortyland, GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Swashbuckle Morty Skills: Leg Sweep, Dead Stare, Sing, Probe, Gross Out, Cutting Gaze, Heave Down, Hornswaggle, Scuttle, Piracy


150. Miami Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Flair, Lick, Party, Pout, Love Bug, New Wave, Love Yourself, Glitter Blast, Juice


151. New Blood Morty

Type: Scissors  Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Nibble, Haunt, Suck, Sparkle, Biokenesis, Hypnotize, Mind Meld, Blood Suck


152. Count Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x New Blood Morty Skills: Nibble, Haunt, Suck, Sparkle, Biokenesis, Hypnotize, Mind Meld, Blood Suck, Grieve


153. Old One Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Count Morty Skills: Nibble, Haunt, Suck, Sparkle, Biokenesis, Hypnotize, Mind Meld, Blood Suck, Grieve, Aerokinesis


154. Denim Shorts Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Encrust, Crease, Break In, Protect, Machine Wash, Wear Down, Iron Out, Snub


155. Double Denim Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Denim Shorts Morty Skills: Encrust, Crease, Break In, Protect, Machine Wash, Wear Down, Iron Out, Snub, Stone Wash


156. Triple Denim Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Double Denim Morty Skills: Encrust, Crease, Break In, Protect, Machine Wash, Wear Down, Iron Out, Snub, Stone Wash, Tate-Ochi


157. Cup Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Cheek Pinch, Soggy Kiss, Repress, Gooey Discharge, Moisten, Salivate, Prey, Smooch, Gross Out, Vile Spew


158. Fawn Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Dead Stare, Mope, Cry, Kick, Flower Child, Blink, Dark Void, Denial, Grieve, Soul Search


159. Seedling Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Dig, Moisten, Cell Splitter, Flower Child, Gooey Discharge, Dinner Time, Hypnotize, Root Down


160. Morty of the Valley

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Seedling Morty Skills: Dig, Moisten, Cell Splitter, Flower Child, Gooey Discharge, Dinner Time, Hypnotize, Root Down, Sprout


161. Mortydrangea

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Morty Of The Valley Skills: Dig, Moisten, Cell Splitter, Flower Child, Gooey Discharge, Dinner Time, Hypnotize, Root Down, Sprout, Poison Spit


162. Rookie Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Neutralize, Slam, Blind Swing, Stare Down, Blood Pressure, Nail, Extort, Nod Off


163. Detective Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Rookie Morty Skills: Neutralize, Slam, Blind Swing, Stare Down, Blood Pressure, Nail, Extort, Nod Off, Humiliate


164. Hardboiled Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Detective Morty Skills: Neutralize, Slam, Blind Swing, Stare Down, Blood Pressure, Nail, Extort, Nod Off, Humiliate, Attention


165. Poorly Cloned Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Cough, Negative Energy, Stitch, Snub, Nod Off, Salivate, Bone Extract, Denial, Vile Spew, Energy Drain


166. Kitchen Boy Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Cry, Nibble, Lick, Flair, Salivate, Dinner Time, Mouth Off


167. Pastry Chef Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Kitchen Boy Morty Skills: Outburst, Cry, Nibble, Lick, Flair, Salivate, Dinner Time, Mouth Off, Slice & Dice


168. Head Chef Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Pastry Chef Morty Skills: Outburst, Cry, Nibble, Lick, Flair, Salivate, Dinner Time, Mouth Off, Slice & Dice, Gooey Cheese


169. Skin Suit Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Condition, Medicate, Poke, Suit & Boot, Self Promote, Flutter, Aura, Energy Drain


170. Motion Capture Morty

Type: Rock  Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Skin Suit Morty Skills: Condition, Medicate, Poke, Suit & Boot, Self Promote, Flutter, Aura, Energy Drain, Attention


171. Rainbow Suit Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Motion Capture Morty Skills: Condition, Medicate, Poke, Suit & Boot, Self Promote, Flutter, Aura, Energy Drain, Attention, Outpour


172. Loner Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Slam, Grab, Flail, Harden, Stone Fists, Strengthen, Wedgie, Crush


173. Dangerous Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Loner Morty Skills: Slam, Grab, Flail, Harden, Stone Fists, Strengthen, Wedgie, Crush, Extort


174. Violent Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Dangerous Morty Skills: Slam, Grab, Flail, Harden, Stone Fists, Strengthen, Wedgie, Crush, Extort, Fierce Lunge


175. Birdosaur Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Fur Ball, Sneer, Dig, Certitude, Protect, Fang Rage, Blood Pressure, Hypnotize


176. Volcan Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Birdosaur Morty Skills: Fur Ball, Sneer, Dig, Certitude, Protect, Fang Rage, Blood Pressure, Hypnotize, Delouse


177. Prancer Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Volcan Morty Skills: Fur Ball, Sneer, Dig, Certitude, Protect, Fang Rage, Blood Pressure, Hypnotize, Delouse, Regenerate


178. Ace Pilot Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Provoke, Fortify, Shave, Fixer Upper, Invasion, Defend, Wing Blast, Mouth Off, Blitz


179. Survivor Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Fortify, Slumber, Flail, Protect, Grab, Drowse, Crush, Spear


180. Survivalist Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Survivor Morty Skills: Fortify, Slumber, Flail, Protect, Grab, Drowse, Crush, Spear, Retain Strength


181. Wild Man Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Survivalist Morty Skills: Cry, Outburst, Flail, Belch, Scrunch, Mortify, Death Stare, Spear, Entertain, Sign Autograph


182. Wild Mascot Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland  Combine From: None Skills: Cry, Outburst, Flail, Belch, Scrunch, Mortify, Death Stare, Spear, Entertain, Sign Autograph


183. Animatronic Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Melt, Wear Down, Flail, Belch, Energy Drain, Swing, Static Shock, Mortify, Defragment, Compute, Reboot


184. Plumbus Slave Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Condition, Relax, Probe, Snub, Stone Wash, Blow Dry, Static Shock, Wrangle


185. Plumbus Worker Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Plumbus Slave Morty Skills: Condition, Relax, Probe, Snub, Stone Wash, Blow Dry, Static Shock, Wrangle, Suck


186. Plumbus Master Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: 2 x Plumbus Worker Morty Skills: Condition, Relax, Probe, Snub, Stone Wash, Blow Dry, Static Shock, Wrangle, Suck, Bone Extract


187. Plumbus Prawn Morty

Type: Pape  Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None  Skills: Outburst, Sprout, Flail, Belch, Poison Spit, Swing, Rush, Mortify, Fierce Lunge, Stare Down, Slobber


188. Plumbonia Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Cry, Neutralise, Kick, Star Gaze, Stone Gaze, Protect, Beam, Claw, Stare Down, Hydro Blast


189. Armomaly Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Sneer, Poison Spit, Flail, Medicate, Blind Swing, Vile Spew, Snub


190. Mutagen Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Armomaly Morty Skills: Outburst, Sneer, Poison Spit, Flail, Medicate, Blind Swing, Vile Spew, Snub, Mutate


191. Carcinogen Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: 2 x Mutagen Morty Skills: Outburst, Sneer, Poison Spit, Flail, Medicate, Blind Swing, Vile Spew, Snub, Mutate, Vaccinate


192. Mega Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortopioa Combine From: None Skills: Fortify, Neutralize, Wear Down, Energy Drain, Vaporize, Harden, Beam, Regenerate, Mangle


193. Spliced Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Neutralize, Strengthen, Negative Energy, Pillage, Vaporize, Salivate, Beam, Regenerate, Mangle


194. Crewman Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Attention, Neutralise, Suit & Boot, Stare Down, Reminisce, Vaporize, Rush


195. Ensign Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Crewman Morty Skills: Attention, Neutralise, Suit & Boot, Stare Down, Reminisce, Vaporize, Rush, Mortify


196. Lieutenant Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: 2 x Ensign Morty Skills: Attention, Neutralise, Suit & Boot, Stare Down, Reminisce, Vaporize, Rush, Mortify, Recitation


197. Mortaion Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Cry, Flail, Belch, Mind Rage, Rush, Mortify, Fierce Lunge, Stare Down, Mind Meld


198. Mortox Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: GF Mortanic Combine From: None Skills: G-Force, Lift, Vaporize, Mind Read, New Wave, Aerokinesis, Inferno, Vape Fume, Soul Search


199. Girl Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Mind Meld, Stare Down, Fierce Lunge, Mortify


200. Lawyer Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Cheek Pinch, Chastise, Dig, Strengthen, Erase, Fortify, Soul Search, Hornswaggle, Recitation


201. Judge Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: 2 x Lawyer Morty Skills: Cheek Pinch, Chastise, Dig, Strengthen, Erase, Fortify, Soul Search, Hornswaggle, Recitation, Outpour


202. Android Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Solidify, Wear Down, Flail, Belch, Swing, Mortify, Crush, Compute, Dark Void


203. Giant Arm Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Hug, Strengthen, Scrunch, Harden, Swing, Lasso, Love Yourself, Stare Down, Recitation


204. Wasteland Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Tate-Ochi, Flail, Belch, Probe, Mortify, Mind Rage, Spear, Entertain, Bone Extract


205. Sunday Best Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Mortyland Combine From: None Skills: Hug, Provoke, Machine Wash, Wear Down, Smooch, Pout, Wedgie, and Recitation


206. Cucumber Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: None Skills: Encrust, Bunch Up, Sprout, Flail, Salivate, Swing, Harden, Transplant, Regenerate


207. Pickle Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: Cucumber Morty Skills: Encrust, Bunch Up, Sprout, Flail, Salivate, Swing, Harden, Transplant, Regenerate


208. Pickled Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Plumbubo Prime 51b Combine From: Pickle Morty Skills: Encrust, Bunch Up, Sprout, Flail, Salivate, Swing, Harden, Transplant, Regenerate, Mind Meld


209. Concerto Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Mortyland, Mortopia Combine From: None Skills: Fur Ball, Drool, Slam, Strengthen, Ouija, Wrangle, Rush, Grab, Golden Touch


210. Vindicator Morty

Type: Scissors Dimension Found: Currently Unknown Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Attention, Suit & Boot, Stare Down, Clarity, Stare Gaze, Rush, Mortify, Reboot


211. Hawaiian Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Currently Unknown Combine From: None Skills: Flair, Lick, Reminisce, Love Bug, Pout, New Wave, Love Yourself, Exfoliate, Ricky Tikki Tavi


212. Sherlock Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Currently Unknown Combine From: None Skills: Preach, Brand, Blind Swing, Stare Down, Protect, Shatter, Extort, Nod Off, Sign Off, Attrition


213. Prisoner Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Currently Unknown Combine From: None Skills: Outburst, Slam, Dead Stare, Stare Down, Blood Pressure, Nail, Heave Down, Nod Off


214. Felon Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Currently Unknown Combine From: Prisoner Morty Skills: Outburst, Slam, Dead Stare, Stare Down, Blood Pressure, Nail, Heave Down, Nod Off, Humiliate


215. Federation Prisoner Morty

Type: Rock Dimension Found: Currently Unknown Combine From: Felon Morty Skills: Outburst, Slam, Dead Stare, Stare Down, Blood Pressure, Nail, Heave Down, Nod Off, Humiliate, Juice 


216. Poorhouse Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Currently Unknown Combine From: None Skills: Condition, Fixer Upper, Flail, Examine, Scrunch, Bunt, Gross Out, Rush


217. Chimney Sweep Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Currently Unknown Combine From: Poorhouse Morty Skills: Condition, Fixer Upper, Flail, Examine, Scrunch, Bunt, Gross Out, Rush, Humiliate


218. Master Morty

Type: Paper Dimension Found: Currently Unknown Combine From: Chimney Sweep Morty Skills: Condition, Fixer Upper, Flail, Examine, Scrunch, Bunt, Gross Out, Rush, Humiliate, Descale

Check back soon as we add to the list with each new update, and be sure to let us know if you’ve found any new Mortys we missed! While you’re here, take a look at the rest of our Pocket Mortys guides if you need any more help with the game.