In Europe, the store Media Markt, a highly respected electronics retailer (Europe’s version of Best Buy), displayed a promotional poster for the upcoming release of the Playstation 4. Most importantly the poster revealed a date on the bottom: November 13, 2013. 

Based on the visuals of the controller, eye camera, and console, this seems to be a legitimate Playstation 4 promotional poster. Again, this is in a European store, which means that the release date in the United States may differ from the information provided on the poster. If the poster is accurate this would be extremely good news for European gamers; due to the fact that the original Playstation 3 was released in the United States and Japan in 2006 and European gamers had to wait until 2007 to receive the console! 

When contacted, Sony responded to the possible leak:

We will have to see if the poster was telling the truth!

What Do You Think?

Do you think this poster is legitimate? Let us know in the comment section!