I’ll go over each variant and help pick the best sunflower variant for you. I only knew what the Power and Fire variants did. I’d like to thank and give credit to Reddit user Mint908 for info on the rest of them.

If you want an overview of this class, check out my Sunflower Guide. For anything else, visit my Master Guide List.

This guide will cover everything about the Sunflower variants including:

Sunflower Variants - Each variant and what they do. Class Variant Tips - Tips for each variant, when necessary.

Sunflower Variants


Default variant. It’s primary attack is a Sun Pulse that does decent damage. Upgrades - Extra Sunlight, Photosynthesis Upgrade, Super Nova Sunlight. Extra Sunlight - Increases ammo capacity. Photosynthesis Upgrade - Makes reloading faster. Super Nova Sunlight - Increased damage of primary weapon. Stats Ammo - Sun Pulse Reload - Medium Damage Type - Impact Damage Range - Mid

Mystic Flower 

This variant has a primary attack that you charge up. The charged shot does much more damage than normal. It glows. Upgrades - More Mystery Power, Mysterious Reloading Technique, Kinetic Damage Boost. More Mystery Power - Increases ammo capacity. Mysterious Reloading Technique - Makes reloading faster. Kinetic Damage Boost - Increased damage of primary weapon. Stats Ammo - Mysterious Energy Reload - Medium Damage Type - Mysterious Damage Range - Short to Mid This a good variant for doing a lot of damage at once. You can still heal and revive while attacking, so this can really hurt the Zombie team.

Power Flower

This variant shoots a fast, more damaging shot for its primary attack. The shots also chain to hit other nearby enemies. It looks like an electric flower. Upgrades - Static Buildup, Electrified Whiplash Reload, Power of Powers. Static Buildup - Increases ammo capacity. Electrified Whiplash Reload - Makes reloading faster. Power of Powers - Increased damage of primary weapon. Stats Ammo - Power Pulse Reload - Slow Damage Type - Electric Damage Range - Mid This is cool for doing more damage than the normal Sunflower without the need to charge up like the Mystic Flower.

Fire Flower

This variant is on fire and adds a fire damage over time effect to its primary attack. Upgrades - Longer-Burning Petals, Flaming Reload, Extra Hotness!. Longer-Burning Petals - Increases ammo capacity. Flaming Reload - Makes reloading faster. Extra Hotness! - Increased damage of primary weapon. Stats Ammo - Fire Pulse Reload - Slow Damage Type - Fire Damage over time Range - Short to Mid Great for continuous damage. You can switch targets to keep fire damage on everyone, then let your teammates finish them off if needed.

Shadow Flower

This variant has a more damaging shot and smaller range. It is a darker flower with a mask. Upgrades - Dark Energy Collector, Shadowy Reload Technique, Particle Accelerator. Dark Energy Collector - Increases ammo capacity. Shadowy Reload Technique - Makes reloading faster. Particle Accelerator - Increased damage of primary weapon. Stats Ammo - Dark Energy Reload - Medium Damage Type - Impact Damage Range - Short to Mid The extra damage can add up in the end and help take down weakened enemies faster.

Metal Petal

This variant is slower, but has more health. Looks like a metallic sunflower. Upgrades - More Metal Shard Ammo, Artificial Reload Upgrade, Sharper Metal Flakes. More Metal Shard Ammo - Increases ammo capacity. Artificial Reload Upgrade - Makes reloading faster. Sharper Metal Flakes - Increased damage of primary weapon. Stats Ammo - Superheated Sparks Reload - Medium Damage Type - Impact Damage Range - Short This is the one to pick when you need extra survivability. Although it is slower, the extra health can make up for it. Plus, you can heal longer with more health.

Sun Pharaoh

This variant is has less ammo, but a burst shot that does great damage if you can aim well. Upgrades - Solar Prism, Cobra-like Reflexes, Calibrated Snake Gems. Solar Prism - Increases ammo capacity. Cobra-like Reflexes - Makes reloading faster. Calibrated Snake Gems - Increased damage of primary weapon. Stats Ammo - Beam of Ancient Reload - Medium Damage Type - Energy Damage Range - Long  This variant is good for quick precise shots. It also has the longest range of all the Sunflowers. When you want to take out zombies from a distance quickly, and still heal your team, this is the Sunflower to pick.

That’s it for the Sunflower variants. If you have questions, or see anything I missed, let me know in the comments!

If you’d like tips on anything else for Plants vs Zombies Garden Warfare, go to my Master Guide List.